Healthcare Leadership and Management Development Institute

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Our Vision

“We are a knowledge based network organization symbolizing the 21st century paradigm inthe healthcare industry.”

what HLMDI stands for

Happiness and maintenance of the relative state of well-being Learning translated into the most important measurable asset of development Management and Total Leadership for achieving synergy Development in an Optimized and Sustainable Manner Inspired and Inspiring attitude

About us

We believe in a responsive economy and healthcare system We live with the future, and enact the future   We believe in ourselves as the leaders of change We are a part of the global healthcare system and we stand for common values


Address: Health Leaders Association, Pécs, 7633, Építők str. 4/a. Mobil: (0036) 70 9462399

Our Mission

We see our role as leaders of socio-economic transition towards a knowledge based healthcareindustry, in line with WHO’s understanding, an industry which is “effective” in promoting therelative state of people’s socio-psychological, socio-economic and physical well-being.

  • Our Vision

  • what HLMDI stands for

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  • Our Mission

Monday, 18 May 2020 20:34

Partner news-Seattle (Everett) Farmer Frog and Ms.Pasztor




Caravan brings thousands of pounds of produce to western Washington for families in need (Farmer Frog)

WOODINVILLE, Wash. — Farmers across the country are throwing away tens of thousands of pounds of produce as demand is down during the coronavirus pandemic. A grassroots effort was formed in Woodinville (by Farmer Frog) to help keep that produce from going to waste in eastern Washington, while families in western Washington are in need.






Who We Are

Farmer Frog is a non-profit organization that helps schools and communities build and maintain food gardens to use as outdoor classrooms.   Our farms and gardens are used to teach kids, students and families about growing and eating healthy food while protecting the environment.


What We Do

Farmer Frog started with a food garden at an elementary school in Everett, Washington in 2010. Today we support a dozen school gardens in Puget Sound, work with many sites in urban and rural communities, and are developing two educational farms on acreage. Our programs, farms, and school gardens nurture communities by bringing them together to serve, learn and share in the harvest.

Our mission is to end child hunger and build safe communities by empowering people to grow their own food. We foster community-based, socially just, urban, and small-scale agriculture that protects and restores habitat and quality of life for people and wildlife both. To sustain traditions of growing food for generations to come, we provide agricultural curriculum to schools that aligns with state and federal standards for teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

To learn more about our work at school gardens, CLICK HERE.

To learn more about our community gardens and farm sites, CLICK HERE.

Please join us!



Written by Gabriella Gombár


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